mandag 22. oktober 2012


Hi there!
Since this is our final day on this journay, we just celebrated (or emotional eated) on a fine restaurant nearby. I had a traditional course which is called bobotie. Bobotie it's finely chopped meat with curry. Ida had a bredies - meat, tomatoes and vegetables. If you're allowed to drink, the beer named umqombothi from South-Africa is recommended.

This trip to South-Africa wouldn't been the same without Nelson Mandela. This fantastic man fought against apartheid and for dark-skinned people's rights. If it wasn't for him, dark-skinned people would still be discriminated by 'us whites'. Unfortunately, discriminating like this still takes place in several parts of the earth. We are in 2012, racism has to stop now!

This is our last day on our colourful and educational journey. It has been the time of our life, which we will never forget. I've had such a great time, that going back home to Norway today is unthinkable. We have experienced both people and places we will never forget. I also feel that we have grown older on our travel. When we saw how people lived in both India and South-Africa, we realized how lucky we are because we're born in Norway. I definitively recommend a travel like this to become able to look at life in perspective. When we're older, we will definitively go back to the beautiful countries we've been to!

- xoxo Ingrid

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