tirsdag 16. oktober 2012


This is our first post located in South Africa! We are in the hotel lobby right now. The time is 09:39 AM, so we have plenty of time today to explore the capital of South Africa; Cape Town. This beautiful city is the most popular tourist destination in Africa, due to its good climate, natural setting and well-developed infrastructure. Cape Town is the second-most populous city in it's country after Johannesburg with 3,5 million people citizens.

Similar to India, South Africa was a British colony from 1975 until 1931. That's probably the main reason to that 51,9% (2001) of the people in Cape Town have English as a first language. 43,7% of the population in this city has Afrikaans as their first language as well. 

Our first task here in Cape Town is to take the gondola up to Table Mountain. The trip is expensive, but I've heard that it's worth it! That's believable if you take a look at the picture of Table Mountain below. When South Africa was a British Colony, the brites tried to take advantage of the Table Mountain-area. They wanted to have several places to stay at on the route from Great Britain to India.

After that, our next task today will be to check out the local nightlife. We will try to get in touch with some native boys, and probably convince them to take us sightseeing tomorrow!

Stay tuned!
- Xoxo Ingrid


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