onsdag 17. oktober 2012

Africa’s living conditions


Here is a big reality check for you guys. Did you know that of South Africa’s 45 million citizens half of them live below the poverty line? More than one in five adults has HIV, and that it is greatest among the poorest and when they die, their children sitt back all alone.

Today there are over 1 million orphans in South Africa and the number is increasing. The worst part is that there are no people or organisations that can take them in and take care of them and love them. When poverty and bad living conditions are spread over South Africa it makes the people living there more exposed for drugs, prostitution and abduction. The kids get abducted to become child soldiers that get used, manipulated and brain washed to kill people even their own parents. If you don’t know that much about child soldiers you should watch the movie “blood diamond”. The movie is about a boy getting abducted and the father trying to get is son back both physical and mentally. I really recommend the movie!

The orphans that loses their parents and don’t get mixed up with that are very ill prepared to cope on their own. In most cases, the grandparents have to take care of these children, grandparents who basically barely have enough to feed themselves. In other cases the eldest child in the family has to take responsibility for her or his younger siblings.

Just think about that before you start to complain about your own life. Me myself am very blessed whit my life. I live in a family with enough money, love and food. If you want to make it better for the less fortune you can donate money to several helping organisations that build schools, homes and give out food. So, think before you speak about how bad your life is, somewhere it is worse.
Here is a picture of a woman with her children living in poor conditions.
Here is a picture of the movie cover "Blood Diamond"


xoxo ida

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