onsdag 17. oktober 2012


Yesterday we were out on a night club, and met some cute, native boys that promised to take us sightseeing. We have been looking forward to go sightseeing in South Africa for so long! The thing I am most excited about is seeing all the cute, wild animals, especially leopards. I have seen a lot of animal programs on my television and have been dying to see them in real life for a long time now.

I just love animals! The sad thing is that many animals, such as leopards are endangered because of loss of habitat and hunting. The leopards have been hunted because they were seen as dangerous for mankind, but luckily there are wildlife sanctuary’s many places all over South Africa. Another African animal that is threatened is white rhinos. Poachers hunted them illegally for their horns and reduced their population from 500 to 15 in the 1970s and 1980s. By the early 1990s through mid-2003 the population recovered to more than 32 animals. Surveys in 2000 indicated that the population had started recovering with 30 animals confirmed in 2000 with up to a possible six others. Between 2003 and 2006 poaching intensified and reduced the wild population to only 5 to 10 animals. Then According to the WWF, there were only four northern white rhinos left in the wild; however in June 2008 it was reported that the subspecies may have gone extinct in the wild. In 2011, the total number of northern white rhinos on the planet is reported to be five males and two females. Luckily now they are working very hard to save the s species.

The wildlife sanctuary we are going on a safari in is Haweqwa Nature Reserve. It is filed with harsh nature, beautiful mountains and allot of wildlife. It is going to be a long ride, but it will be worth it. The animals we will most likely see are lions, leopards, white rhinos, blue wildebeest, kudus, impalas, hyenas, hippopotamus and giraffes if we are lucky.
Here is a picture of a white rhino and a baby w.hite rhino
Here is a picture of Haweqwa Nature Reserve.

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