onsdag 26. september 2012


Hey, guys!

This is our first post on this blog. My name is Ida, and I'm travelling with my bestfriend Ingrid. We're in the middle of a huge travel around the world. Both of us are 16 years old and are going on this travel to India and South Africa to experience new cultures and countries. (....and food of course...)

In this very moment we sit on an internet chai café, in the center of New Delhi. We're both enjoying a big cup of chai tea. Right now, we have been travelling for over 24 hours, so our feet are grateful of that we are finally resting. It's actually overwhelming that we're here! I have been looking forward to this for so long, and now it's happening!

When we came to the airport, a wave of humidity hit us. India has extremely various climate - from tropical in the south to temperature and alpine in the Himalayan north. A lot of stressed people ran around us, and I felt like I was cramped in a small box filled with one billion people. On the picture you can see our fabulous hotel. With aircondition!! Thank god!

Here is a map over the average annual temperature in India.
 As you can see, New Delhi isn't in the hottest zone,
 but for us Norwegian girls, over 20°C is hot!

I will update later, stay tuned!

- Xoxo Ida


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